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sophia_9696 发表于 2012-1-29 01:39


[i=s] 本帖最后由 sophia_9696 于 2012-7-18 21:23 编辑 [/i]
J z_2waX9U"Z?
$B]A+] T!Q 1

zzzzz 发表于 2012-2-5 02:57

[i=s] 本帖最后由 zzzzz 于 2012-2-7 01:51 编辑 [/i]8C6w"w"H;r @+Vv0fN

u2x]f2cPf 这家店就在flamingo上,位置挺容易找的。她家的头部减压很舒服,SOPHIA人很好~~~手法服务都很不错,我决定做一个疗程试试。
k bsX$]!i3eX p 第一次做刮痧瘦脸有少许红纱出来。而且有点点疼。不过为了更加美丽,值得付出点代价,做完后很轻松。颈肩放松也很给力,下班累了,是个放松的好地方~~~{:5_124:}

Eileen_j 发表于 2012-2-19 17:08

{:4_90:} 除了瘦脸送头部减压,别的项目送吗?眼部去皱项目多少钱?{:4_90:}

sophia_9696 发表于 2012-2-21 00:44

[b]回复 [url=http://www.chineseinvegas.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=22303&ptid=11962]3#[/url] [i]Eileen_j[/i] [/b]
0i;D"X5C J@?b1ap,o
'Z!y9B~ N_S8Uy*E 眼部去皱¥30 都可以送头部减压的。

Leila 发表于 2012-4-1 20:12

[attach]9689[/attach]哇哈哈~不要吓到大家哦~为了告诉大家这个感受,我豁出去了~因为真的是太舒服太超值了~!!!!!通过拉斯维加斯论坛。我看到了这个广告,抱着试一试的心态来的。因为我的脸上的肉肉实在是太多了~~~~~(>_<)~~~~ 我做第一次的时候效果不是很明显。主要是我不是很胖,而且是国字脸~但是脸上的肉肉很多~我就想说能瘦一点我就知足了~没想到才做了3次就有效果哦~价格很超值哦~一个半小时的瘦脸+按摩~做完之后再回家,能睡个好安稳的觉呢~~~~超级超级舒服~有精油~有水晶刮痧板~而且还能瘦脸~还有超舒服的头部减压~~超值超值~~~大爱sophia~因为以前去过别的美容院~来了sophia的工作室才知道,以前的都是打酱油的......她家价格合理,做5次送一次~我买了10次的,所以送两次~以上的图是我做了3次的效果~已经能看的出来了呢~期待10次以后的小巴掌脸哦~

huanhuan 发表于 2012-4-10 18:24

[b]回复 [url=http://chineseinvegas.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=23389&ptid=11962]5#[/url] [i]Leila[/i] [/b]
/B2i_He` N&v7FK
D+r M1sS)l E,q
R t9R:o_\3Y0[Y     说实话,没看出哪个是做前,哪个是做后。
FaDx ey+V6A     哈哈哈哈哈
D8BR9H\YC;`     闪 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

sophia_9696 发表于 2012-4-11 21:22

[b]回复 [url=http://www.chineseinvegas.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=23575&ptid=11962]6#[/url] [i]huanhua三次的效果是不特别的明显。一个疗程下来会更加明显一些。注意点看 。最右边的那张有时间显示是最后一次做的眼睛大了点,和脸线有了提升。需要注意看。顾客也是只把自己的感受写了出来。做没有做和明显不明显不是用客观的角度去说哦。自己去体验是自己能够感受到的 哦。[/i][/b]

sophia_9696 发表于 2012-4-16 13:32

[b]回复 [url=http://www.chineseinvegas.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=23628&ptid=11962]8#[/url] [i]sophia_9696[/i] [/b]

lvdrunk 发表于 2012-4-16 19:50

[quote]效果明显不明显。这个就是我。sophia 本人。来了以后就可以看见我。
-Ica4TnQ0GJ-G [size=2][color=#999999]sophia_9696 发表于 2012-4-11 22:38[/color] [url=http://chineseinvegas.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=23628&ptid=11962][img]http://chineseinvegas.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size][/quote]
+kCQ0hz"b;H~"m t6bDh!t)]R-v
   天,这是同一个人吗?  太牛了!  男的做不做啊?

sophia_9696 发表于 2012-4-17 18:58

[i=s] 本帖最后由 sophia_9696 于 2012-4-19 04:52 编辑 [/i]
}v6`G|k.xMn8_c 7``9[5M\u ]7I

d4{8_Z'a6U:W.Mi 1. TOLSOM&reg; Skin Smoothing  [b]Description[/b]?2~ NEuI
If you’ve ever waxed a car or shined a good pair of shoes, you know that some things need to be protected from the environment. The same is true for your face and neck. -pV/P#|-X9~ voa ^R
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Notice an immediate improvement in skin texture with a patent-pending, non-acid technology that enhances the natural exfoliation process. Formulated especially for men -- with a cool citrus scent and the T-10 Complex of eight moisturizing and two oil-controlling ingredients -- this high-performance lotion rejuvenates and smooths skin.
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P$fc#N!`w Use it in the morning. With regular use, you’ll quickly notice improved skin tone. The people around you will notice, too.
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Tolsom gets you there.
{ R4pU3{P/Y Tolsom. Skin Care for Men.c]&U"JW:[3LHCj
V2DqY a1Y;l'i v [list][*]Patent-pending non-acid technology enhances natural exfoliation process.[*]Promises immediate improvement in skin texture.[*]Cool citrus scent and T-10 Complex of moisturizing and oil-controlling ingredients rejuvenates and smoothes skin.[*]Formulated especially for men.[/list]
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T-10 Complex !dLq*k A3rf-R
The following ingredients comprise the T-10 Complex: 8 moisturizers and 2 oil-control ingredients that support men’s skin. Moisturizers: Glycerin, Panthenol, Sodium Hyaluronate, Wheat Germ Lipids (Cephalins), Yeast Extract (Glycoproteins), Hops Extract, Chamomile Extract, and Aloe Vera Gel. Oil Control: Lemon Extract, Cucumber Extract. ~J#G dl
1AgM+T4uX-A8H 2.TOLSOM&reg; Facial Cleansing Foam+RvrC#Q'Q@xG*j

+p/i.N-\0I8N:s Description#Du9@l,i6k
You wouldn’t wash your car with scouring powder, so why wash your face with ordinary bar soap? Some soaps are too harsh -- actually removing necessary oils and lipids that aid in skin moisture retention. 2Fp"G-fZ/o_
Tolsom Facial Cleansing Foam with the T-10 Complex of eight moisturizing and two oil-controlling ingredients is specially formulated to clean men’s skin. Its high-performance cleansing beads absorb the right amount of oil while still conditioning skin. The result -- you feel confident knowing your skin is clean, smooth, and refreshed. Perfect for everyday use.
+ra(MG }:i@ Benefits&}Fm/B k Y,?#d
T-10 Complex is specially formulated for men's skin. _7h7uYVR6p9y? Ni
Reduces oiliness by 84% after a single use! vlA n h}
Absorbs the right amount of oil while conditioning skin. lb8A;c+B|?}I
Leaves your skin clean, smooth, and refreshed. sP!s4U:YjA"p N
What’s the benefit of a skin care regimen?
8H$e:Iw]t C A properly formulated skin care regimen -- like the three-step Tolsom process -- will leave your skin in optimal condition. Clean and protected skin feels and looks healthier.s cr w}
What are the basic steps in a good skin care regimen?W"a G D-}hs qT {
Taking care of your skin is easy. The three basic steps of a good skin care regimen are cleansing, moisturizing, and protecting your skin. Men generally add shaving to this routine.
q1a2e*? r-W*XzT7g Why shouldn’t I clean my face with soap?9u%gu2e?o8`} ~9R
Some soaps are too harsh -- actually removing the necessary oils and lipids that aid in skin moisture retention. BKX'_/Y7c!u!d)C(mU
How can I fight premature aging?
e!s3p,M&[,G Use a sunscreen. Protecting your skin from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays is the best way to fight premature aging.#nFy-d1q$D#fv
My face gets bumps all the time after shaving. What causes this?
'i)OsS B9P-c:T5Q Daily shaving irritates skin and sometimes causes little red bumps (folliculitis) on the face and neck. Another condition (pseudofolliculitis barbae) primarily affects black men. This condition happens when curly beard hairs are cut too short and they curve back into the skin and cause irritation and red bumps.
zh9M-j%Wc} Why do people with oily skin need a moisturizer?
9i4s3f(PM K.R{TKN It is possible to have oily skin and still have low moisture content in your skin. The sebaceous glands control oil levels in your skin. This oil -- called sebum -- is good at lubricating skin, but it doesn’t aid moisture retention. That’s why you can have oily skin and still need a moisturizer.
#wjA pM9d;})sR,N f Why is it important to wash my hands before applying Tolsom products to my face?'a4@L mE]$j.u,Gn/D
Your hands and fingernails may carry bacteria, dirt, and all sorts of nasty stuff that can infect facial pores and cause pimples or skin reactions.u+rO7r n"D4s
Do I need to use a sponge or washcloth when I clean my face, or may I just use my hands?*FD;CS1N~^'j
There’s no need to use a sponge or washcloth to wash your face. Your hands -- as long as they are clean -- will work fine. What’s important is creating surface friction to remove dirt. Your hands can do that as well as a sponge or washcloth.
@8~QhZ Is it necessary to apply sun protection on top of Tolsom  Skin Protective Lotion with SPF 15?I$T/])\R.n9m@ y,`Z
It’s not necessary unless you are very sensitive to the sun. The Tolsom  Skin Protective Lotion provides SPF 15 broad-spectrum protection against UVA/UVB rays. Applied to your face and neck, this should be enough.UV*M(}edH
Can women useTolsom?B |d+Q a
Yes, but Tolsom products were formulated especially for men’s skin. They contain the T-10 complex of eight moisturizing and two oil-controlling ingredients and a citrus scent. For optimal benefits, we recommend women use the Artistry&reg; Daily Skin Care Systems, specifically designed to meet the skin care needs of women.
F1w4z3k;~~#i)|z[ Can people with sensitive skin use Tolsom Skin Smoothing Gel?tW&j*~2[Wl)o
Yes, the Tolsom products were all tested on men with sensitive skin. But, no skin care product can guarantee that it will be 100% irritation free for everyone. All Tolsom products are thoroughly tested for skin compatibility and safety, but there are always a small number of people sensitive to certain ingredients. If you experience continued sensitivity, discontinue use of the product.sVVq1s+P6G_
Can I use Tolsom products around my eyes?
r$K4dG,k You can use Tolsom Skin Protective Lotion with SPF 15 and Skin Smoothing Gel in the areas below the eye and on the orbital bone. None of the products should be applied directly onto the eyelid or into the eye itself.
RI W9K't B0FY$Z When and in which order should I use Tolsom men’s skin care products?
;|7p6r.yU [m For instructions on how to use Tolsom products, refer to the order-of-use instructions provided in the Tolsom web presentation, as well as on the Tolsom product pages at [url=http://www.amwayglobal.com]www.amwayglobal.com[/url].)T2A9FLk
If I have a bad sunburn, can I use this product?[6?-j2kfG}:H1|
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NXNW0s"S TOLSOM&reg; Facial Cleansing Foam
~0l({DZj TOLSOM&reg; Skin Smoothing
q"^ PH#hf6FJi aq R(\:uL

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