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gerhouse 发表于 2012-2-12 09:54

出租3卧房给2到3个学生,近大学。每年每人可得业余工作 1200 USD。

出租3卧房给2到3个学生,近大学。每年每人可得业余工作 1200 USD。
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K9SU0vzx!IC_S [tr][td]You should know how to make a internet page, or you should know some simple thing of tax declaring for a company. Off course
X|h:S#^)zTl'F you should have the permission to work. It is a oppotunity for you to prepare youself for finally finding a job after graduation. It isZ$i*g8z3I"X^k,L
a work from a consulting company.pBf:f [+P7N,Xe
The rent for the house would be totally 840 USD per month. It is in a community with pool and recreation house. Please contact
(`Z@a0A6_6[#^-c [url=mailto:lupingyuan@yahoo.com][color=#0066cc]lupingyuan@yahoo.com[/color][/url][/td][/tr]
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