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shyacht1 发表于 2017-12-9 00:22

Recruiting part-time financial advisor

Recruiting part-time based insurance and securities products related financial advisor ( will train you to get security and insurnace licensed)
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hn@ p A[f The mission of the company is to educate families with their finance. We work with families based on their needs, not on agent's commission. We work with 100+ providers. We have great mentors/trainers who are willing to help every step of the way. Love the travel perks of the company.
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You have to be coachable with self-determination. Be able to work with people. Turn negativities to positive. Be patient. It's not an overnight life-turn-around. Must be willing to learn and help families with a good intention! Money will come if you do it right and with pride!9D KT6S8}
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If you are interested, please add my WeChat : shyacht1

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