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标题: 王晓晔死前已怀疑李天乐投毒 医院疏忽致死 [打印本页]

作者: lvdrunk    时间: 2011-2-14 16:24     标题: 王晓晔死前已怀疑李天乐投毒 医院疏忽致死


当时美国 FBI 已经介入,消息不多只是知道那个死去的男的39岁无锡人,现在是华裔美国人,1月14日当时入院的时候病情一天天加重,他提示有可能是妻子投毒,原因是他和妻子关系不好,同时他们在闹离婚,但是美国医生不认同他的说法,还派了个精神病科的医生去医治,不过后来看其症状像是中毒,按照医院的常规检测但是一直也没有结果,到1月17日左右正好有个华裔护士换班看护他,因为前面那个护士8小时后下班,接班的护士是12小时的班,还要看护4个小时。她精于工作,观察了病人的症状并且做了记录,回家以后立即上网查这样的症状,没想到的是显示这样的症状的是朱令案子里面的铊中毒,第一时间她就电告医师,希望做铊的检查,因为铊的检查需要专门的仪器,最后在1月25号报告才出来,病人身体里面含有大量的铊,美国方面立刻动用普鲁士蓝,但是大雪封路,全美只有很少的地方有这个药,最后那个病人还是在1月26日死去。

    接着从FBI口中知道那个妻子是1998年从北京过去美国的,当时我心里一惊,因为在这以前我已经大量的了解了朱令案,当时我的判断是北京过去的不是清华就是北大,因为名牌大学出国容易,男的是39岁,女的估计小一点,可能也是 1973年生的,名字里有个 LEE,应该姓李吧!后来证实女的40岁,是北大的,应该是71年的。据说那个男的死的时候是很痛苦的,人已经被铊毒摧残的不像样子了。可怜啊!死的时候牧师做了祷告。从这件事情我第一次了解了朱令案,我不想品论谁是凶手,但是我极端痛恨凶手,我想凶手死了以后肯定是要下地狱的,不论在中国还是在国外,她?他?会受到惩罚。一个人道德良心上受的煎熬比身体的煎熬更加可怕。即使她或者他是个无神论者,但是我认为这个罪孽是几辈子也消不了的。祸延几代。铊是可怕的,更加可怕的是她或者他。

Insider Faulted Hospital on Thallium Death

A person with information posted online about details of Wang Xiaoye's death. The Princeton Medical Hospital failed to take the patient's allegation of poisoning seriously, and subsequent delay in diagnose and obtaining treatment caused the patient's life.

1) Wang talked to the Hospital regarding possible poisoning by chemist wife in the middle of a bitter divorcing process when he checked himself in on Jan 14;

2) The Hospital thought Wang was insane, and assigned a mental doctor;

3) On or about Jan 17, it happened that a Chinese nurse was assigned to Wang's bed on a 12 hours shift. This magic nurse recorded Wang's symptoms and Googled online after going home. All findings point to one possibility, Thallium poisoning. The Hospital was notified immediately;

4) The Hospital performed a test for Thallium, which needed an out-of-State agency to interpret the result. The positive result took one week to arrive on January 25, too late. Whiling waiting for the official testing result, even though all findings point to Thallium, the Hospital did not attempt to treat Wang, for the entire 7 days. The Hospital saw the patient living a terrible death, to his last breath.

http://seagullreference.blogspot ... l-for-thallium.html

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